What does "Update from MLS" mean?
The "Update from MLS" option is a one time update that will apply to your listing. This will update the following information:
1. Listing data (i.e. Price, description, etc.)
2. Listing Photos
More about the listing photos, when a listing is imported via MLS and you updated it manually by adding more listing photos, the system's normal process if your website is on autosync, the photos you uploaded will be deleted and the actual listing photos from MLS will replace them.
To avoid the manually uploaded listings to be overriden with the MLS pulled ones, here's what to enable in the website control panel:
1. Click on Listings tab then click on "Options"
2. Click on "Photo" tab
3. Look for "IMPORTED LISTING PHOTOS" and click "No" Below is a screenshot:
4. Click "Update"
I added some more options such as Open House events, and Floor Plans, will this wash off when I update it using this option?
NO, this will not override those information because these are separated from how the listing module is built. Even if autosync is on, these additional items will not override.